Miyako Odori (Capital City Dances) in Shunjuza Tsuzukite no Rakuhoku Meiseki Meguri (A Series of Tour Around Famous Sites in Rakuhoku) Okiuta (Introduction) Genkoan Mado no Aoba (Fresh Greenery from the Windows of the Genko-an Temple) Urabone Gozan no Okuribi (Bon Festival Ritual Fires) Shisendo Koyo Orieda (A Branch of Autumn Leaves from the Shisen-do Temple) Yuki Jo’o Hitamukinaru Koi (The Earnest Love of the Snow Queen) Tetsugaku no Michi Sakura Dayori (A Message from the Cherry Blossoms by the Philosopher's Walk) Tomoko Ueki Yachiyo Inoue Kazuko Inoue Masae Inoue Kazue Inoue Yoko Inoue Yasuko Inoue